All donations help offset costs to continue hosting community events benefitting the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Awareness

3 pm - 7:30 pm
Do you, or someone you know make a darn good chili? Enter our Chili Cook-Off Contest... Registration is FREE! Come battle it out for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes, a people's choice prize, and bragging rights! There will be an amazing panel of judges. Want to just come and enjoy lots of chili, along with a variety of toppings and sides, and cast your vote?
A special thank you to all of the business who support us


Chris's Country


Fargo POP Expo
April 20-21, 2024
Butler Bldg/RRV Fairgrounds, West Fargo, ND
We wanted to thank all of the winners, the judges, and all of those who helped make the Chili Cook-Off a success. The weather really affected the overall turnout, but better safe than sorry. We will try again next year, maybe after the blizzard season, lol!

Sunday, March 24th, 2024
The American Legion
303 30th St. N - Moorhead
Time: 3:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Benefitting The American Foundation For Suicide Prevention & Awareness
Do you, or someone you know make a darn good chili? Enter our Chili Cook-Off Contest... Registration is FREE! Come battle it out for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes, a people's choice prize, and bragging rights! There will be an amazing panel of judges. Want to just come and enjoy lots of chili, along with a variety of toppings and cast your vote? *PRIZES TO BE ANNOUNCED (Prizes valued between $100-$300! Flyer will be up soon for more information.
A Special thank you to:

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Thank you to the NDSCS nursing program volunteers: Larissa Goodman, McKennah Anderson, Sara Weidauer, Haleigh Cleem and Hailie W..... and of course, Hailey Alm
Spencer Strong Mission Statement:
To save lives by promoting and educating through support and resources, creating a safe interactive online environment, while encouraging mental wellness and reducing mental health stigmas. Striving to find ways to reach those who are suffering, and encouraging the community to make mental health a priority
Our Goal:
To coordinate activities benefiting the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, along with campaigns and events to help fund AFSP's mission to save lives and bring hope through research, education and advocacy, and to reach out to those affected by suicide. Through our efforts, we will help to benefit AFSP in their scientific research, and promote their resources.
Our Vision:
~To reduce suicidal despair
~To give a voice to those who have lost loved ones to suicide, as well as those who have acted on suicide ideation, and those who are helping someone stay alive
~To increase suicide prevention and awareness within the community in
order to reduce stigma and shame
~To educate on appropriate actions to take to prevent suicide and recover from a suicide death.